Looking for book-ish events in March? We looked around, and there is a little of everything happening, from conferences, plays based on literary characters,
What’s it about: A satirical play where Rumi and Manto bump into each other at a lit fest in today’s times.
Location: Atta Galatta, Bengaluru
Dates: 2 March 2019, 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM
Registration and tickets: Rs 350, book online.
For: A fun theatre outing.

What’s it about: A play based on Ismat Chugtai’s short story of the same name.
Location: Prithvi Theatre, Juhu, Mumbai
Dates: 5-6 March, 9 PM show on each day
Registration and tickets: Rs 175 on Tuesday, Rs 250 on Wednesday, buy tickets online.
For: Theatre goers, readers of feminist literature.

What’s it about: A poetry gathering, where poets like Anil Kamble, Gayatri Sapre, Sameer Samant and Vaibhav Joshi will be performing.
Location: Rangsharda Auditorium, Bandra West
Dates: 8 March 2019, 6 PM to 9 PM
Registration and tickets: Entry is free. Register on www.pasbaaneadab.com or call 180030000316.
For: Poetry lovers who want to reconnect with the language.

What’s it about: Invisible Cemeteries is a collection of travel poems..
Location: G5A Foundation, Mahalaxmi
Dates: 8 March 2019, 7 PM to 9 PM
Registration and tickets: RSVP here.
For: Poetry enthusiasts

Event Name: National Conference on Literature & Cultures from India’s North East
What’s it about: Two-day National Conference on Identity and Diversity within Boundaries and Margins: Exploring Literature & Culture from India’s North East
Location: Jamia Milia, Delhi
Dates: 13-14 March, 2019, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Registration and tickets: Free, for students. Register: cnespr.lit@gmail.com
For: Students
Event Name: Kavishala Conclave 2019
What’s it about: A poetry conclave covering Indian languages.
Location: Connaught Place, New Delhi
Dates: 15-17 March 2019, 6 PM to 8 PM each day
Registration and tickets: Free. Register here.
For: Poetry lovers, to discover verses in Indian languages. Aspiring poets and readers.