Q & A
Sindhu Rajasekaran on storytelling, the feminist gaze, and more
Prakruti Maniar interviews Sindhu Rajasekaran, author of Smashing The Patriarchy: A Guide for the 21-st Century Indian Woman. Excerpts from an email interview. What has
Prakruti Maniar interviews Sindhu Rajasekaran, author of Smashing The Patriarchy: A Guide for the 21-st Century Indian Woman. Excerpts from an email interview. What has
Excerpt from the book on feminism, Smashing the Patriarchy: A guide for the 21st century Indian Woman. Published with permission from Aleph Book Company. Whose
Smashing the Patriarchy does what a guide to feminism should do; push you to question your own beliefs, your ideologies, and trace how critical theory
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